06/17/20 - ENR 2020 Top Professional Services Firms: Planning for a Post-Crisis FutureGary J. Tulacz As the nation struggles to cope with the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, construction firms of all types have been thrown off balance. Firms delivering professional services to the industry have been just as affected. But there is one major difference with this group when compared to designers and contractors. Clients increasingly... read more
06/11/20 - Digital Twin Consortium FoundedAnsys , Dell , and Microsoft are among the founding members of a new consortium created to develop standard terminology and reference architectures around digital twin technology, in addition to sharing use cases across industries. Author – David Greenfield The Object Management Group (OMG), host of the Industrial Internet Consortium and developer of enterprise integration standards and modeling... read more
Partnership with the Carlsbad Educational Foundation , Gafcon supports Walk for Schools As We #MoveForwardTogether. Traditionally at this time, students recognize their academic journey with a walk to collect their hard-earned diplomas. Every step symbolizes movement to end one chapter and commence another. Walk for Schools is a virtual, commemorative adaptation. We've collected Words of Wisdom from leaders in our schools... read more
06/10/20 - Three ways digitization could change the construction industry If you’ve followed the predictions of construction industry technologists over the last decade you could be forgiven for skepticism about the current hype. Similar to Chicken Little’s warning about the falling sky in the children’s fable (turns out it was just an acorn), the promised mass reckoning for industry laggards and Luddites has... read more
05/15/20 - Delivering the Gafcon Digital Twins and e-Builder SolutionGafcon, Inc. is an Owner Representative based in San Diego, CA with 33 years of experience helping clients in the private and public sectors. Gafcon Digital is the evolution of their Innovative Solutions Group and is focused on the use of Digital Twins in the digital building lifecycle. This process provides Owners with the ability to Plan,... read more
5/11/2020 – An interview series from ULI San Diego-Tijuana While none of us can predict the future, what are you doing now in anticipation of business and/or markets coming back online? “Gaf” Gaffen, CEO & Founder, Gafcon, Inc. Thanks to our early and robust adoption of online collaboration technology and a move to the Cloud, our systems are strong and secure. Most of our... read more