“Gafcon's support was invaluable to the success of our projects! The transparent communications with the public through the bond oversight committee provided the community and taxpayers significant confidence we were living up to our promises. Thanks for the support of you and your staff!”
Barry Jantz
Chief Operating Officer
Grossmont Healthcare District
Gafcon served as an extension to the Healthcare District’s Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (ICBOC) providing document controls, project controls, and support services for the Proposition G bond program.
In 2006, Proposition G passed authorizing the Healthcare District to issue up to $247M in general obligation bonds, approximately $225M for Sharp Grossmont Hospital to complete several projects including the Emergency and Critical Care Center; central power plant expansion to support increased bed and operating room capacity; East Tower infrastructure and renovation; construction of a new three-story diagnostic and treatment building linking the existing Women’s Center and Main Hospital; operating/interventional room and surgical support expansion; and pharmacy and laboratory relocation.
Gafcon established paperless meetings with all documents centrally filed, tracked, and located on a secure portal accessible 24 hours a day. Documents are referenced during ICBOC meetings, demonstrating true transparency and supporting the commitment to sustain paperless operations. Additionally, Gafcon provided the support required in communicating relevant bond program updates to the community through comprehensive mid-year and annual reports. Gafcon also provided risk management and financial reports to the CEO, Legal Counsel, Board of Directors, and the ICBOC. In 2008, the San Diego Taxpayers Association recognized the ICBOC as “an exemplary model of quality oversight” and independent audits over the life of the program indicate a clean bill of financial health with no deficiencies or inconsistencies in internal controls or compliance.