The 2.4 acres where Kellogg Park now sits was initially slated for a dense residential development. Fortunately, The Trust for Public Land was able to purchase the vacant land after learning of the local Ventura community members passionate plea for more park space. After eight years, Kellogg Park opened to the ecstatic public with unique playground designs, open space and outdoor fitness equipment areas, an amphitheater with community art, an interactive water play area, decorative gates and fencing, landscaping, and evening lighting throughout associated structures, such as a community garden shed and a state-of-the-art, high-grade stainless-steel restroom.
Sustainability was also an important feature for the park. A sand-filter swale reflects the natural character of the nearby Ventura River, which filters stormwater runoff as well as serving as a use amenity with learning and play facilities scattered along its course. Ultimately, the runoff is taken to a stormwater amphitheater that features native plants. Other sustainable features included minimal turf and water-efficient irrigation.
Gafcon provided labor relations and project and construction management for the project, which included extensive coordination with project field consultants such as Native Americans, archaeologists, flora and fauna experts, local artists, along with both federal and state associated specialists. The park project was completed ahead of schedule and at a lower than estimated construction cost.