Real Estate Advisory

Visionary, next-generation real estate development.
West Harbor
San Pedro, California

Expertise across the full spectrum of planning and realization.

Developing the future of built environments.
With in-depth knowledge of the industry, Gafcon Real Estate Advisory offers a rare blend of practical experience and strategic acumen.

We stay ahead of trends to forecast the future—anticipating needs, identifying overlooked opportunities, and creating innovative solutions to the complexities inherent in the delivery of visionary real estate development projects.

We have the hands-on expertise to transform development concepts into high-quality, collaborative realities, specializing in ambitious, site-specific projects that redefine vibrant communities.
Gafcon Real Estate Advisory's approach for a ground-up development project is to process the project through feasibility, technical studies, planning, financial structuring, design, entitlements, permitting, construction, commissioning, and closeout. We will develop a collaborative planning and entitlement process within the economic requirements of a project to provide the means to successfully navigate land use.
Gafcon Real Estate Advisory assists our clients with determining whether the benefits of a completed development will outweigh the initial costs invested. We compare the potential of the development to the land purchase and acquisition costs, permit and review costs, construction costs, insurances, closing costs, and more. We focus our due diligence on compiling, organizing, and communicating the possibilities of a current site while taking into consideration current goals and future vision.
Gafcon Real Estate Advisory's development team defines the financial framework for the development to include financial performance, funding requirements, funding opportunities, and financial strategies to execute the vision of the project. We rely on the extensive experience of our in-house experts to research and provide an outline of all available funding source. Our team has decades of experience collaborating with public and private partners to identify, size, and creatively finance multi-phased plans.
Whether at the local, federal, or international level, working with governing agencies is critical for obtaining regulatory clearance necessary to construct the development. Gafcon Real Estate Advisory identifies improvements that fall under the authority of specific agencies to create a timeline to ensure compliance.
Gafcon Real Estate Advisory has worked with owners and developers in multiple markets and across all levels of service. Our team has access to current market data and development metrics to solve challenges proactively. We use this data and our substantial public and private development experience to inform recommendations as we iterate through the various phases of any project.
“They really do have vision but they’re also very practical. When we need something very quickly, they respond. They understand that project management is a 24/7 situation. You always feel like you’re their most important client.”
— Jenny Krusoe, Founding Executive Director, AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles

Visionary developments with a focus on People, Purpose, Planet, Profit.

Our experience speaks to the power of navigating obstacles and producing dynamic solutions that drive advancement. It takes insight and strategy to attain a better future for our communities and planet. This is the space we work in; our knowledge of complex projects reinforces our commitment to turning ideas and strategies into reality for all to benefit.

Bryan Benso

Co-Chief Executive Officer