
San Diego Business Journal

Top Influentials


12/2017 - San Diego Business Journal - Top Influentials

PRESIDENT, Gafcon Inc.
Pam Gaffen is president and co-founder of two firms: Gafcon, Inc., a nationally ranked construction consulting firm, and SharePoint 360, a consulting and business intelligence service provider. She started her career over 35 years ago with the construction of the largest shopping mall in Cape Town, South Africa. It's where she met her husband and company's co-founder. The couple has assisted on projects at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and San Diego State University. They are partnering with Protea Waterfront Properties on a $1.2 billion project to redevelop the 70-acre Central Embarcadero site that currently includes Seaport Village.

Yehudi "Gaf" Gaffen has been involved in domestic and international construction for over 35 years, working for construction companies, construction managers and real estate developers on projects ranging in value from less than $1 million to billions of dollars. He began his career with Sunroad Enterprises before forming Gafcon, Inc. with his wife, Pam, after the two met in their native South Africa. He is partnering with Protea Waterfront Properties on a $1.2 billion project to redevelop the 70-acre Central Embarcadero site that currently includes Seaport Village.
